Musiques » Gregorian - Chant (2022)
1. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Regem venturum Dominum (04:03)
2. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Conditor alme siderum (01:18)
3. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ad te levavi (03:28)
4. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Universi qui te (02:50)
5. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia Ostende nobis (02:20)
6. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ad te Domine (01:39)
7. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Dominus dabit (02:03)
8. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Vox clara ecce intonat (01:49)
9. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Populus Sion (03:24)
10. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ex Sion species (04:06)
11. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia Laetatus Sum (02:02)
12. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Deus tu convertens (02:00)
13. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Jerusalem, surge (02:10)
14. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Aspiciens a longe (03:39)
15. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Gaudete (04:01)
16. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Qui sedes, Domine (03:19)
17. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia Excita Domine (01:42)
18. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Benedixisti Domine (01:21)
19. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Dicite: Pussilanimes (02:33)
20. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Veni redemptor gentium (01:44)
21. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Rorate (02:40)
22. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Prope est Dominus (03:47)
23. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia, Veni Domine (02:59)
24. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ave Maria (02:04)
25. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ecce Virgo (02:05)
26. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – O Sapienta (02:31)
27. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Christe Redemptor omnium - Hymnus I (03:08)
28. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Hodie scietis - Introitus VI/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in vigilia (02:10)
29. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Hodie scietis - Graduale II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in vigilia (04:56)
30. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Crastina die - Alleluia VIII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in vigilia (01:40)
31. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Tollite portas - Offertorium II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in vigilia (01:21)
32. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Revelabitur - Communio I/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in vigilia (01:53)
33. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Christus natus est nobis - Invitatorium IV (03:46)
34. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Dominus dixit ad me - Introitus II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in nocte (02:14)
35. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Tecum principium - Graduale II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in nocte (03:54)
36. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Dominus dixit ad me - Alleluia VIII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in nocte (02:18)
37. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Laetentur caeli - Offertorium IV/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in nocte (01:05)
38. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – In splendoribus - Communio VI/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in nocte (01:29)
39. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Laetabundus - Hymnus VI (02:48)
40. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Lux fulgebit - Introitus VIII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora (03:02)
41. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Benedictus qui venit - Graduale V/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora (03:32)
42. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Dominus regnavit - Alleluia II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora (02:22)
43. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Deus enim - Offertorium VIII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora (01:32)
44. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Exsulta filia - Communio IV/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in aurora (00:53)
45. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ecce nomen domino - Hymnus V (01:01)
46. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Puer qui natus est nobis - Introitus VII/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in die (03:17)
47. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Viderunt omnes - Graduale V/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in die (04:07)
48. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Dies sanctificatus - Alleluia II/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in die (02:10)
49. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Tui sunt caeli - Offertorium IV/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in die (02:03)
50. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Viderunt omnes - Communio I/In Nativitate Domini ad missam in die (01:45)
51. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Magi videntes - Hymnus III (03:28)
52. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ecce advenit - Introitus II/In Epiphania Domini (02:33)
53. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Omnes de Saba - Graduale V/In Epiphania Domini (03:31)
54. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Vidimus stellam - Alleluia II/In Epiphania Domini (02:02)
55. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Reges Tharsis - Offertorium V/In Epiphania Domini (02:10)
56. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Vidimus stellam - Communio IV/In Epiphania Domini (01:54)
57. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Dicam laudes Domino - Hymnus VIII (01:30)
58. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Nunc tempus acceptabile - Hymnus (01:17)
59. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Judica me Deus - Introitus IV ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V (03:09)
60. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Eripe me - Graduale III ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V (05:36)
61. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Saepe expugnaverunt - Tractus VIII ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V (04:02)
62. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Confitebor tibi - Offertorium I ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V (01:50)
63. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Qui mihi ministrat - Communio V ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada V (02:15)
64. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Hosanna filio David - Antiphona VII ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (01:51)
65. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Gloria laus - Hymnus ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (02:43)
66. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Christus factus est - Graduale V ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (02:28)
67. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Improperium - Offertorium VIII ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (02:40)
68. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Nos autem - Introitus IV ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (02:50)
69. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Tenebrae factae sunt - Responsorium 5. VII (03:14)
70. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ecce lignum crucis - Antiphona VI ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (02:23)
71. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Crucem tuam - Antiphona IV ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (01:54)
72. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Crux fidelis - Hymnus I ad Tempus Quadragesimae, Hebdomada sancta (03:36)
73. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Confitemini - Antiphona VIII ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (01:31)
74. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Resurrexi - Introitus IV ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (03:40)
75. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Haec dies - Graduale II ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (03:39)
76. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Pascha nostrum - (VII) ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (01:40)
77. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Victimae paschali laudes - Sequentia I ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (01:35)
78. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Terra tremuit - Offertorium IV ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (01:14)
79. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Pascha nostrum - Communio VI ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (01:15)
80. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – O rex aeternae Dominae (02:03)
81. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Cantate Domino canticum novum - Introitus VI ad Tempus Paschale, Hebdomada V (03:07)
82. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Dextera Dei - (IV) ad Tempus Paschale, Hebdomada V (01:56)
83. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Christus resurgens - (I) ad Tempus Paschale, Hebdomada V (02:52)
84. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Iubilate Deo - Offertorium I ad Tempus Paschale, Hebdomada V (03:11)
85. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ego sum - Communio VIII ad Tempus Paschale, Hebdomada V (02:18)
86. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Laudate Dominum - Canticum VIII ad Tempus Paschale, Dominica Resurrectionis (02:18)
87. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – O gloriosa Domina - Hymnus (II) (02:02)
88. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Hodie egressa est - Antiphona (I) (00:49)
89. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Gaudens gaudebo - Introitus (III) from Proprium de Sanctis. Die 8 decembris. In Conceptione Immaculata B. Mariae Virginis. (04:18)
90. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alleluia. Tota pulchra es, Maria - Alleluia I/Proprium de Sanctis. Die 8 decembris. In Conceptione Immaculata B. Mariae Virginis. (02:47)
91. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – O sancta mundi - Hymnus (I) (01:59)
92. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Nativitas tua - Antiphona (I) from Proprium de Sanctis. Festa Septembris 8. In Nativitate B. Mariae Virginis. (01:14)
93. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Missus est Gabriel - Responsorium (VII) (04:03)
94. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Gabriel Angelus (& Magnificat) - Antiphona (VII) (01:58)
95. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Ave Maria - Offertorium (VIII) from Proprium de Sanctis. Die 8 decembris. In Conceptione Immaculata B. Mariae Virginis. (01:51)
96. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Alma Redemptoris Mater - Antiphona (V) from Cantus Ordinarii Officii. Dominica ad Completorium. (01:59)
97. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Audi, filia - Graduale (VII) from Commune Beatae Mariae Virginis. (03:36)
98. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Concito gressu - Hymnus (IV) (02:25)
99. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Beatam me dicent (& Magnificat) - Communio (VI) from Proprium de Sanctis. Die 15 augusti. In Assumptione B. Mariae Virginis. (02:12)
100. Schola of the Hofburgkapelle, Vienna – Gaudeamus - Introitus (I) from Commune Beatae Mariae Virginis. (03:13)
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